Hello Everyone!
The season finale of LonelyGirl15 has passed and many of us are left wondering...
How did Dr. Hart get out of that room of watchers?
Will we all be invited to Virgil's memorial service?
What was Emma smiling about?
Well, Greg and I don't have the answers to any of these questions but we can chat about anything else you'd like to hear about our expereinces at both the SF Live Event and on the set of Bloodlines. So join us Wednesday from 4 - 6 and we'll give you...some answers. Like...
Who was that watcher assigned to Dr. Jenni?
What was in the cart?
What was up with that creepy hospital?
Mysteries discussed! Tiny secrets revealed!
But really, it'll be a good time...so won't you join us? We won't hurt you. Will we?
Monday, January 28, 2008
Sunday, January 27, 2008
OMG!!! im still alive
i know i know, you were worried. but i am alive, and if all goes as planned the show this tuesday should be really fun. i have a lot to update you guys on, well... ok not really... but i have some exciting news and TON of new music. get ready folks, something awesome is in store.
Friday, January 25, 2008
The Breecap is back! (again!) at 4PM Pacific 25/01
Hello everyone!
The first Breecap of 2008 will be happening on 25th January - This Saturday!
Not only will we be catching up on what's been happening this week in Kate Modern, and the exciting season finale in Lonelygirl15, I'll also be looking for your opinions on what Season 3 might offer, and what will happen next on Kate Modern.
Also, I'd like to give shoutouts to some awesome fan videos, so if you have one you want me to check out, email me at jennaontheair@googlemail.com
Thanks! See you Saturday!
The first Breecap of 2008 will be happening on 25th January - This Saturday!
Not only will we be catching up on what's been happening this week in Kate Modern, and the exciting season finale in Lonelygirl15, I'll also be looking for your opinions on what Season 3 might offer, and what will happen next on Kate Modern.
Also, I'd like to give shoutouts to some awesome fan videos, so if you have one you want me to check out, email me at jennaontheair@googlemail.com
Thanks! See you Saturday!
Thursday, January 24, 2008
MicFranXon on BreeFM @ 4pm Pacific
Hey Everyone,
Today on my show:
- More Horrid Poetry
- Discussing the Live Event yesterday
- Discussing my series coming soon
- LA Apartment hunting Update
- Latest Vid I'm working On
- The Making of my tagged vid
- Music, Of course
Tuesday, January 22, 2008
Perky goes live
Tune in tonight for my last "official" solo show on BreeFM for the coming months. Nothing special planned... unless you consider kickass music and *maybe* an occasional rant to be special. ;)
Tonight, 6PM... be there.
Tonight, 6PM... be there.
Due to unexpected technical difficulties, and my ability to break or ruin everything I try to use that is electronic, Romy and Waffle's roadtrip had been postponed, yet again. Sincere apologies. We'll leave for real this time on Monday, at 10pm pst!
Monday, January 21, 2008
Romy And Skunkwaffle's Radical Road Trip!

All journeys have secret destinations of which the traveler is unaware. Embarking on a journey, can be more than stepping out your door. In fact, it can be as simple as turning on your radio and exploring the amazing sounds of bands from afar. Come join Romy and Skunkwaffle as they embark on an epic musical journey. Get lost in the sounds of America. Pack your bags, hop into our car, and prepare to experience the greatest road trip in history.
We'll be tearing up all fifty states, Starting in Colorado and ending in Florida, bringing you music of every kind, random facts, and mindless banter. Its sure to bring you a night of enjoyment, and who knows, maybe you'll learn something!
If you have a request for a band, please email the band name, along with the state the band was formed in, to snapshotofagirl@gmail.com
Photograph ©2005-2008 *FallenSeraph
DJ Jenni Powell: No Show This Week (super sad face)
Hey Guys!
Mr. Gallows and I are heading up to San Francisco for the LG15 Live Event, which unfortunately is at the same time as my show. So unless I can miraculously find a way to broadcast from the event, I'm going to have to cancel the show this week.
But I'll try to do an impromtu show within a few days to give you all the details on how the event went down!
I'll miss you all with all my heart!
Mr. Gallows and I are heading up to San Francisco for the LG15 Live Event, which unfortunately is at the same time as my show. So unless I can miraculously find a way to broadcast from the event, I'm going to have to cancel the show this week.
But I'll try to do an impromtu show within a few days to give you all the details on how the event went down!
I'll miss you all with all my heart!
Party Time Tonight With DJSheetz
Sunday, January 20, 2008

That's right! Tonight, my guest is none other than Betz28!
Check out her YouTube page at http://www.youtube.com/betz28 !
Tune in tonight at 5pm Pacific/8pm Eastern!
Saturday, January 19, 2008
I was wrong!
I actually was able to make it in this week, turns out work just needed me there for a short while.
Tune in if you can, or make sure to tune in for Acid&Perky at 3 and apo at 5!
<3 ya punks!
Tune in if you can, or make sure to tune in for Acid&Perky at 3 and apo at 5!
<3 ya punks!
Thursday, January 17, 2008
UPDATE: DJ Hallows Acoustic Show Fri @ 4pm
Friday, January 18th on the DJ Hallows show is going to be an Acoustic show. Hear some of my favourite songs (possibly yours, depends if we share the same favourites :P) naked.
Requests welcome and, providing I can find them, will be played...reply in the comments if you have any. And if I get no replies, then no one can complain, you've had your chance!
So, that's the DJ Hallows Acoustic/Unplugged show this friday:
Show kicks off at 4pm PT/7pm ET/12am GMT
UPDATED: After being told very late of a possible, apparant change of plans (>.>) the acoustic show will start an hour earlier and isn't guaranteed to end
So now the Acoustic starts at 5pm PT/8pm ET/3am GMT
Requests welcome and, providing I can find them, will be played...reply in the comments if you have any. And if I get no replies, then no one can complain, you've had your chance!
So, that's the DJ Hallows Acoustic/Unplugged show this friday:
Show kicks off at 4pm PT/7pm ET/12am GMT
UPDATED: After being told very late of a possible, apparant change of plans (>.>) the acoustic show will start an hour earlier and isn't guaranteed to end
So now the Acoustic starts at 5pm PT/8pm ET/3am GMT
Tuesday, January 15, 2008
Ladies' Night with DJ Perky
Join me on BreeFM tonight for an all-chick playlist! A little bit of rock to a little bit of soul, tonight's show is all about the ladies of modern music! Showtime is 6-8PM Pacific, be there or be a sexist jerk! Or be there AND be a sexist jerk... it's all the same to me as long as you're there. ;)
Monday, January 14, 2008
DJSheetz Tonight!
I'll be on tonight at 9pm pacific to rock your socks again this week. Check out the show!
RoyTheBoy is back!
You heard it right! RoyTheBoy is back on the air, this time at BreeFM! Come listen to his show every Wednesday at 6pm Pacific/9pm eastern!
There will be great songs old and new, a little karaoke, maybe a special guest or two? Either way you will enjoy yourself! And that's a Roy guarantee!
So Join RoyTheBoy this Wednesday at 6pst/9est on breefm!
There will be great songs old and new, a little karaoke, maybe a special guest or two? Either way you will enjoy yourself! And that's a Roy guarantee!
So Join RoyTheBoy this Wednesday at 6pst/9est on breefm!
Romy's Radical Roadtrip @ 10pm EST Today!

All journeys have secret destinations of which the traveler is unaware. Embarking on a journey, can be more than stepping out your door. In fact, it can be as simple as turning on your radio and exploring the amazing sounds of bands from afar. Come join Romy and Skunkwaffle as they embark on an epic musical journey. Get lost in the sounds of America. Pack your bags, hop into our car, and prepare to experience the greatest road trip in history.
We'll be tearing up all fifty states, Starting in Colorado and ending in Florida, bringing you music of every kind, random facts, and mindless banter. Its sure to bring you a night of enjoyment, and who knows, maybe you'll learn something!
If you have a request for a band, please email the band name, along with the state the band was formed in, to snapshotofagirl@gmail.com by 4pm EST.
Photograph ©2005-2008 *FallenSeraph
Sunday, January 13, 2008
My guest this evening is Ziola, http://www.youtube.com/user/rockindanceteacher ! She discusses her take on The Coalition! She also discusses much more!
The show, as always, is from 5pm Pacific time/8pm Eastern!
The show, as always, is from 5pm Pacific time/8pm Eastern!
No DJJammyJams this week
sorry folks, I have to meet Jennis parents so I have to cancel my show this week.
I will be back next week though with some awesome tunes for you all!
<3 ya!
I will be back next week though with some awesome tunes for you all!
<3 ya!
Thursday, January 10, 2008
The DJ Hallows Britpop Show, Coming This Friday

So kick back, relax and enjoy the sounds of the Bripop Revolution, this Friday night.
The show starts at:
4pm PT/7pm ET/12am GMT
The Britpop kicks off from:
6pm PT/9pm ET/2am GMT
Monday, January 7, 2008
Romy's Retro Dance Reunion... TONIGHT @ 10pm PST!
Come join Romy, and lose yourself in the groove, with some retro dance hits from 1980 to 1999. Its sure to get your butt flexin' and feet movin'.
"You've got the power" to "move this" because "this is your night" to "jump around" and "strike it up". "Music sounds better with you" so "pump up the jam" with me, and rock out to the "unbelievable" sounds of DANCE.
Also, tonight i'll be revealing the theme of next weeks show, and a few to follow. You're in for a treat!
Special Guest: PsychoManManMan will be joining us for part or all of the show. So tune in!
Any requests can be emailed to me at snapshotofagirl@gmail.com
"You've got the power" to "move this" because "this is your night" to "jump around" and "strike it up". "Music sounds better with you" so "pump up the jam" with me, and rock out to the "unbelievable" sounds of DANCE.
Also, tonight i'll be revealing the theme of next weeks show, and a few to follow. You're in for a treat!
Special Guest: PsychoManManMan will be joining us for part or all of the show. So tune in!
Any requests can be emailed to me at snapshotofagirl@gmail.com
DJ Jenni Powell: David Harrispalooza! Wed. Jan. 9 4 - 6 PM PST
A guest is coming! A guest is coming!
My co-host this Wednesday will be the fantastic and magical David Harris. He is a performer at the Upright Citizen's Brigade Theatre where he's also an improv coach to the stars (ME! I'm a star, dangit!). He's also a wonderful musician and we'll be playing some of his tunes as well as just hangin' and having a good time. So come by and say hello! I'll bring the pizza if you bring the AMANDA!
All this and more inside BreeFM jokes this Wednesday! How can you resist!?
Check out David's music at his myspace page. And be his friend. He's nice.
My co-host this Wednesday will be the fantastic and magical David Harris. He is a performer at the Upright Citizen's Brigade Theatre where he's also an improv coach to the stars (ME! I'm a star, dangit!). He's also a wonderful musician and we'll be playing some of his tunes as well as just hangin' and having a good time. So come by and say hello! I'll bring the pizza if you bring the AMANDA!
All this and more inside BreeFM jokes this Wednesday! How can you resist!?
Check out David's music at his myspace page. And be his friend. He's nice.
Wednesday, January 2, 2008
DJ Jenni Powell: New Year Celebration! Wed. Jan. 2 4 - 6 PM PST
Happy 2008 BreeFMers!
I'll be on the internet airwaves tomorrow from 4 - 6 PM PST to hang out, remember 2007 and get excited about 2008!
There will be rants (probably about QL...), there will be music (I've got a new track from one of my favorites David Barton Harris I want to share...), and surprises (maybe...?).
So come hang out before the other Jennie hits the LG15 chat! Hope to see you all there!
I'll be on the internet airwaves tomorrow from 4 - 6 PM PST to hang out, remember 2007 and get excited about 2008!
There will be rants (probably about QL...), there will be music (I've got a new track from one of my favorites David Barton Harris I want to share...), and surprises (maybe...?).
So come hang out before the other Jennie hits the LG15 chat! Hope to see you all there!
Tuesday, January 1, 2008
Happy New Year!
Happy New Year everyone! I would just like to extend my thanks to all the listeners, and dj's who have made BreeFM a success over the past few months. I hope 2008 holds excitement and opportnity for each and every one of you. I know this year will hold new beginnings for me in my moving to LA plus wherever I will end up working. It's a bit scary, but awesome.
Thank you all for the kind words of support on my last vid. You have all made the past few months a lot easier considering some things I have gone through. Without you guys and gals, I don't know how I would have made it. So, thanks again!
Here's to a brighter 2008!
Station Manager
Thank you all for the kind words of support on my last vid. You have all made the past few months a lot easier considering some things I have gone through. Without you guys and gals, I don't know how I would have made it. So, thanks again!
Here's to a brighter 2008!
Station Manager
chilis..... sceene
so its my last night at chilis, the last time i will ever walk these hallowed halls.
as soon as i get home ill hop on for a victory show, might be a little late though, plan for me around nine thirty though. i love you all be thinking nice things of me on my last night <3
as soon as i get home ill hop on for a victory show, might be a little late though, plan for me around nine thirty though. i love you all be thinking nice things of me on my last night <3
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